Monday, September 19, 2011

Welcome (the first bite)

Hi there, and welcome to my blog. My name is Min, and I am happy that you are sharing this first step with me.

Although I am not new to the blogging world or the idea of blogging, thanks to my college community's blogspace (a shout-out to all of Planworld! It was a happy day when I was introduced to this virtual enclave, and I will write more about this in a future post. I think it deserves one.), this is my first foray into specifically blogging on food.  

My friends and family will wonder why and how it took me so long to start a blog devoted to all matters relating to food.  For example, in the past year or so, my Planworld posts have been increasingly speckled with blurbs on pastries, hearty salads, particularly eye-opening restaurant experiences, and  food market adventures.  I will expound upon food, by way of both verbal and written word, to my dear friends, my sweet boyfriend, and pretty much anybody who happens to be close by at the moment (just kidding..I will not, for example, accost you on the subway if you happen to innocently comment on the bags of produce or bread or meat or cheese I am clutching..with luck my eyes probably will just light up and you might think I'm only the teensiest bit crazy.).

Beyond that, I think I have always loved food. I distinctly remember my 5 year old self gobbling up the entire contents of a skillet of delicious sauteed vegetables my wonderful mother had cooked for dinner.  She couldn't stop laughing when she came back to the kitchen to the sight of the empty pan and my sheepish yet triumphant grin, and to this day we wonder how I managed to put all that food away.  Her winter-time stews were major events in my days, and I savored each lovingly cooked bite.  As with many other good things, I credit this amazing woman for instilling in me a firm appreciation for food that nourishes not only your body, but also, really, your soul.

In any case, just to make my point, when you find yourself writing rather and probably unduly passionately about food on your college alumni directory profile, then you know that's a pretty good sign you ought to do it somewhere 'proper.'

And so here we are, on a blustery fall night, with a mug of green tea steaming next to me and Queen in the background, and the first post on my shiny new blog.  I have many ideas, thoughts, recipes, etc I am looking forward to share with you; I hope you will stay with me, and that you will enjoy and benefit as this develops.

I will leave you with the thought of something sweet and delightful - a perfect crème brûlée, silky smooth custard protected by that tempting, fragile glass topping of burnt sugar. Served to you in a tinfoil cup from a brightly painted dessert truck parked along a busy through-street of an urban university campus.  Aren't food trucks grand?  Have you partaken of truck food, and if so, what's your favorite? I would love your recommendations, wherever you are, and will hopefully be lucky enough to sample one day!


  1. looking forward to it! :) i love the recipes you share on planworld. here's to a bountiful fall harvest! love, alison

  2. Excited to see what you post here, Min! :)

  3. -Thank you Alison! I am glad you enjoy the recipes. Happy fall to you, too :)

    -Thank you Jess! I think this will be fun.
